


2024 Cracklin Festival Queen Pageant

Greetings from the Port Barre Lions Club! We would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in the annual Cracklin Festival Queen’s pageant on Sunday, October 27th, 2024. The pageant will be held at the St. Joseph’s Hall (417 Saizan St. Port Barre, LA 70577).

The Cracklin Festival Queen’s pageant is open to all single females residing in the state of Louisiana between the ages of 17-23. The contestant should not have a child nor have ever been married. The contestant should not hold a current festival title. If chosen queen, the young lady will be required to sign a contract (available upon request) and fulfill the requirements set forth by the Port Barre Lions Club. The contestant must be at least 17 to 23 years of age as of February 9, 2025, and is required to attend the LAFF Convention from February 6-8, 2025.

Interviews as well as Pageant will be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic St. Joseph’s Hall (417 Saizan St. Port Barre).

Interview Check-in: 11:45 a.m.

Interview Start Time: 12:00 p.m.

Interview – 7-minute round robin style interview.

Pageant Check-in: 3:45 p.m.

Pageant Start Time: 4:00 p.m.

Pageant – will start promptly at 4:00 pm with introduction of visiting queens and reigning queens. Order of pageant will be Miss, Teen, Ms.

Intro - Contestants are required to craft and deliver a 90-second introduction that highlights their connection to and understanding of the Cracklin Festival. This introduction should encapsulate their personal experiences, knowledge of the festival's history, and its cultural significance. The presentation should be engaging and reflective, showcasing their enthusiasm for the event and their ability to represent the festival with pride. The introduction is an opportunity for contestants to make a memorable impression by sharing why the Cracklin Festival holds special meaning for them and how they aim to contribute to its ongoing legacy.

Hair & Makeup – will be allowed at the Port Barre Lions Club building (150 VFW St. Port Barre, La 70577). H&M artists will need to contact Desiree’ to reserve a space.

Interview Attire - Suit/Sunday Dress

Pageant Attire - Formal

If you have any questions, please contact Desiree’ at 337-692-3311 or

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